Photos by Stacey Freeman
Harry M. Freeman on his Super C Farmall pulling our Rourke’s
Iron Works mill.
My brothers Tim feeding the mill and Steven pushing down

Another view of Daddy pulling the mill with his Farmall.
Picture of my nephew, Joshua (Tim’s Son) on his and
Daddy’s Economy. Joshua was 5 years old at this time.
Tim and Steven loading juice into the 80 gallon boiler.
My job is to keep the furnace fired (Stacey). This is an
of the fire just beginning to heat up the juice. The furnace we
is called a round furnace in our part of Georgia.
This picture is of the fire with the juice in a full boil with
steam coming off of it. We basically cook 72 gallons of water out
80 to end up with about 8 gallons of syrup over about a 4 hour
Once the furnace is hot, the cooking time is cut considerably.
We are cooking under Daddy’s watchful eyes. From the
is Daddy (Harry M. Freeman), his sister Alice Boyd, my cousin Lynn, and
friend Ella Etzler.
The next 4 views are of the juice cooking to syrup. The
rim allows skimmins to cook over the top so we can wipe them from the
of the boiler


Friends Wayne and Linda Oliff and brother Steven (Far left)
soppin syrup.
Image of Daddy and Mama (back facing me ) and family and friends
enjoying the fresh cooked biscuits, sausage, and syrup.